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By Aagneyo Mitra

Don’t hope



By Suzanne Miller

Tears roll down his cheeks, as Ray stares at the uneaten cheeseburger, cold and congealing on his plate


The Long Arm of the Past Hangs on Forever and You Are with Me Still

By Cecil Morris

The embryo that bloomed ectopic in the wife // who left me would be 45 this year and lives // in the cryogenic regions of my brain


Kinship of Sesame

By Neelan Krishna

My Thaathaa - grandfather in Tamil - is dozing off as I complete a set of ritualized breathing exercises while quietly chanting in Sanskrit.


Your Destination

By Peter Rustin

Thirty minutes ago: the calm droning of the red-eye from JFK to Los Angeles. The cabin lights dimmed. Two teenage sisters sleeping, in pastel sweatshirts, heads nestled, sharing a pair of earbuds linked to an iPhone.


Humming and Taking the Old Birdie Out for a Spin

By Robert Beveridge

The antique store hides // a portal to the underworld // behind a wall of maps // of places that don’t exist.


Human Pastoral Brick and Two Other Poems

By Chris Corlew

willow-white duck // the blistered // spigot squirts not only for you // but for my irradiated necktie



By J. A. Hersh

They were driving straight down a dark road, their little green car bumping on the potholes. It wasn’t a long drive back to their apartment. Fifteen minutes or so.


My Resume

By David A. Goodrum

I can hear new bark // forming as daylight // lengthens



By R. P. Singletary

“Jane, the taste the taste, you have no idea, Jane.” Typing texting toiling tighter to a tik-tok than ever paid to do in an office.


Until My Dying Breath

By Stefanie Lee

I’ll tell you about how I’ve been remembering myself in the silver crucifixes and imaginary cracks of light underneath a centuries-old door frame. About how I find smudges of my soul on everything I touch, bones, dirt, the paper-thin resolve in my hands. It’s dark, you know.


Absolute Room and The Space

By T. A. R. Wallace

Indoors, faith's crumb turned my without force // as a red need - the language, the // locate plan.